10 New Templates for August 2022: Back to Basics

Intro Maker Updates

10 New Templates for August 2022: Back to Basics

Back to Basics

I just uploaded 10 new video templates for August. I've still got a lot of slideshows and quote templates at various stages of completion in my new template pipeline, but this month I felt like getting back to my bread and butter: logo reveals.

In hindsight, I could've pushed a little and added two more templates to make a 420 joke, but I'm not as cool as this guy:

I should sail past 420 next month, though.

New Videos for August 2022

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Colorful Particle Twirl Logo

Logo bump with two customizable particle colors.

Colorful Particle Twirl Text

Title bump with two customizable particle colors.

Electric Logo

Electric logo reveal with customizable color.

Electric Text

Electric text reveal with customizable color.

Fun Wave Logo V1

Fun shapes reveal a logo and subtitle (v1).

Fun Wave Text V1

Fun shapes reveal a title and subtitle (v1).

Fun Wave Logo V2

Fun shapes reveal a logo and subtitle (v2).

Fun Wave Text V2

Fun shapes reveal a title and subtitle (v2).

Underwater Quote

Your quote under water.

Bright Lights Quote

Your quote in bright lights on a clean background.

it me

IntroCave is a one-person-show operated by Will Hankinson, but it's not 100% accurate to say every word is written by me. Some articles were live on the site when I took over. I hire writers from time to time to work on specific articles. People keep asking me to do guest posts, but I haven't actually seen any relevant submissions yet. "Intro Maker staff" might make a better by-line, but currently that's just me. I've been building digital things for 10+ years now, and some of my favorite projects are posted over at my personal website if you want to take a look!

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