Customize Firework - Logo Intro Video

6.67 Seconds

1 Text

1 Image

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Sparks fly over a dark background--possibly outer space?--and a lens flare explodes into a fiery trail which outlines your centered logo. Even though the fire trail is circular, the circle is large enough that any shaped logo should work within the final flare. This template has a bit of a scifi vibe to it, and would be good as a gaming intro video or a technology intro video.

Click the button above to create a free preview video. Use your own text, images, and audio to customize this video template. The whole process takes less than 5 minutes. If you like your preview, you can easily purchase a full HD download of your video. Otherwise you may continue to browse and customize until you find something you like.

Template Updates for Firework - Logo


  • Increased logo size.
  • Added a subtitle.